March 2024
Charitable Giving
Omega is sponsoring teams participating in the upcoming Annual Birdies for Brain Health Charity Golf Fundraiser, dedicated to combatting chronic neurological diseases and disabilities. The event will be on May 13th at Woodside Plantation. If you are interested in playing, sign-up is first come, first served and the spots are limited! If you would like to be added to the list, contact Haley Trapuzzano at no later than March 15, 2024.
A Note from Bill Tindal
Never Good to Be Blind
Written by Bill Tindal
Several years ago, I was on a business trip to LANL and taking that long drive from Albuquerque to Santa Fe with a good friend and colleague. Alan and I were headed there for some meetings at the lab because of the uranium processing work we were doing. Alan was a uranium metallurgy expert. But he’s also an inspiring speaker, honest broker, man of faith, and a long-time mentor of mine (and many others). He’s also an African American who grew up near the auto plants in Detroit.
During the drive, there are always things to talk about, even after a long flight. I was feeling proud of myself after a compliment I received from one of our Operations Supervisors, Gloria, who is also African American. I said, “Hey Alan. Gloria paid me a nice compliment the other day.” “What’s that?” he asked. I replied, “She said I was the most colorblind manager she’d ever had.” What he said next made my shoulders drop a little. “That’s not a compliment, Bill.” There was a long pause while I wondered what I was missing. I asked, “Um… Why not?” What he said next was wisdom that has stayed with me since. “If you’re colorblind, you’re not seeing me for who I really am.”
At Omega, we consider Relationships as a core value. To me, this means considering that everyone is unique and valuable. It takes time and effort to get to know each other and find those unique and valuable traits. Rather than being “blind” to the differences, I’ve learned those differences can be one more thing to talk about, and one more thing to explore and learn. But most importantly, it’s one more thing that can help form deeper relationships. I will always be thankful for my dear friend, Alan.
Employee Art-Icle
Omega’s Boyzuick, an Artist in Our Midst:
Pete Boyzuick, an Omega SME for the SRPPF project, has a talent beyond nuclear facility construction, he is also an aspiring artist at heart. Pete attended the University of Florida School of Art, where he honed his skills and developed his talents. When I asked him about his artistic influences, he stated “My art is very linear from free hand. I don’t like being in any specific genre, but I would say I like Picasso, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Amedeo Modigliani, Van Gogh, and a host of others”. In addition, Pete has been a guitarist for 60 years and has written and recorded a lot of music over the years.
Recently, Pete was tasked with drawing the cover for the novel of a close friend. His friend was in the development of his novel and saw a drawing on Pete’s wall and asked if he wouldn’t mind drawing a book cover for his novel. This drawing is attached (on the right), with the novel title removed to ensure copyright protections are maintained. Attached are just a few of the hundreds of drawings Pete as done over the years.
If you see Pete, feel free to give him feedback on his talents, his support of his passion for art, and for his willingness to help a friend.
Omega’s Support to the Community
The Omega corporate offices in Oak Ridge teamed up with the Medic Regional Blood Center for a mobile blood drive on February 20, 2024. This Omega coordinated event produced vital resources for East Tennessee during a critical shortage of blood nationwide. We are very proud of our employees and neighbors who contributed to help save lives in our local community.

Events Calendar
March 10
Daylight Savings Time
March 21
Aiken PMO Luncheon
March 31
Easter Sunday
Brandi Phillips
Technical Recruiter
Raymond “Ray” Kadane
QA/QC Civil Inspector
James Chiaramonte
QA/QC Civil Inspector
We’d like to congratulate Sarah Martin for recently completing a Shipley Associates certification on Managing Strategic Proposals. Sarah plays an important role as Omega’s Proposal Manager and is key to winning new business when responding to Requests for Proposals (RFP). Her work involves outlining project details, scope, selection criteria and keeping up with the submission processes. Omega will certainly benefit from Sarah’s training in Shipley’s methods of managing bids and proposals, tracking compliance checklists, and facilitating proposal reviews. Great job, Sarah!
Pet of the Month
Introducing March’s pet of the month:
Little Miss Paris belongs to Bernice Abrams. She is equal parts fashionable and cuddly!
Remember anyone can submit their pets to for a chance to be selected next month and win a PetSmart gift card!!